Hold down the mouse button in this text box, drag up or down to view more text. The text will scroll twice as fast if the Option key is held down, and four times faster if both Option and Command keys are pressed. Click the paint roller for this text to disappear.
The current system icons are displayed in the "System" box, any icons present in the opened file can be seen in the "File" box. Browse through the icons using the small arrow buttons, located below the icon ID numbers. Only complete icon families are displayed, i.e. all six icon resources must be present.
By dragging icons from the "File" to the "System" display box, or by clicking the big arrow, you replace an original with a custom icon. Don't worry if you make mistakes; nothing will be installed until you click "Install Icon(s)." In addition, pressing "Cancel" at any time will leave everything intact.
Hold down the mouse button on a replaced icon in the "System" box. Drag the mouse in and out of the display box. Either the original system icon or its replacement is displayed. By releasing the mouse button, while you see the original, you remove the replacement icon from the array.
To see changes after installing icons, you have to restart. If this button is in up position, the program will restart for you. If you don't see any changes (rarely), proceed to rebuild the desktop by restarting while holding down the Option and Command keys (comments in "Get Info" windows will be lost).
In case you want to go back to the original system icons, after already installing replacements, IConArtist will save your removed originals in a file on the desktop. Double click the file to open it, or drag it onto the program icon, and start over.